The Greenest City Conversations Mobile Channel research group is looking for study participants (Metro Vancouver area only) for empirical research into mobile apps and location awareness. And, you can win an iPod Touch if you participate.
What will participants do? They will beta test a sustainability challenge application for two weeks (March 31-April 14), comment about the experience, and complete two online surveys (one at the start, and one at the end). Some participants will use the Facebook version of the app, while some will use an Android version they will install to their Android smartphone. Android users will also agree to have their location tracked for the two week period (Android users’ personal location data are not exposed to Facebook nor made public. Location data are anonymized for the purposes of analysis and any future publication of the research). All data is stored on Canadian servers.
All participants must have a Facebook account (we use it to authenticate users in both versions of the app). None of your data in the app is shared with Facebook – you have the choice to have all of your participation in the app viewable by “Only Me”.
We need Facebook and Android users in roughly equal numbers. After 50 Facebook users have signed up, we will only be recruiting Android users, until their number also reaches 50. Then we will open the study up to more Facebook users.
Those who complete the full cycle of required app testing and complete two online surveys get entered into a draw for an iPod Touch. There will also be runner-up prizes of lesser value.
If you are interested in participating, please send an email to jeanhebert at sfu dot ca with the following information:
(1) “Mobile GCCP app” should appear in the subject line;
(2) your name;
(3) the email address you use for Facebook; and
(4) whether you have an Android device (by indicating this you put yourself in the Android group).
Once you’ve indicated your interest, we’ll add you to our list of potential participants and send you more detailed information about what the study involves. Once we’ve reached a critical mass of potential participants (expected by early next week), we’ll send you all a link to the informed consent and entrance survey (which must be completed by March 31st, and must be done before you can install the app).
Thanks for your attention!
[…] The Greenest City Conversations Mobile Channel research group is looking for study participants (Metro Vancouver area only) for empirical research into mobile apps and location awareness. And, you can win an iPod Touch .. See the article here: Recruiting Android users for GCC mobile app research, March 31 … […]
I have an iPhone, not android phone, but I do have a FaceBook account and would be happy to part of your study.
Thank you,